jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


The true origin of Halloween holiday 

Hispanic christian girl reading The Bible inside
 big church in Juarez Mexico. 
This girl image belongs  to ethnic mix teens
 stock photos by Ruben Reyes. 
EL FIN DE HELLOWEEN  (una historia verdadera)

Leyendo la Biblia en los últimos días he descubierto que los disfraces de muertos venidos de ultratumba, asi como manifestaciones de muertos de ultratumba vivientes en la Cd.  de Mexico, peliculas de muertos de ultratumba vivientes, series de television (the living death),   muertos de ultratumba de Michel Jackson  y la tradición pagana de Halloween son una realidad viviente del FIN de Satanas y sus seguidores en los dias del futuro.  Fueron originados en los días del futuro pasado de la Biblia.  (La Palabra de Dios). 

Yo vi que la verdadera historia de Halloween se encuentra allí y que también tiene un FINAL ETERNO. 

Lo invito a que leamos juntos en “Isaías capitulo 14:15-21” esta breve historia:      

_ Mas tu derribado eres hasta el Seol, a los lados del abismo. Se inclinaran hacia ti los que te vean, te contemplaran, diciendo: ¿Es este aquel varón que hacia temblar la tierra, que trastornaba los reinos; que puso al mundo como un desierto, que asoló sus ciudades, que a sus presos nunca abrió la cárcel? Todos los reyes de las naciones, todos ellos yacen con honra cada uno en su morada; >>>pero tu echado eres de tu sepulcro como vástago abominable, como vestido de muertos pasados a espada, que descendieron al fondo de la sepultura; como cuerpo muerto hollado. No serás contado con ellos en la sepultura; porque tú destruiste tu tierra, mataste a tu pueblo. No será nombrada para siempre la descendencia de los malignos. Preparad sus hijos para el matadero, por la maldad de sus padres; no se levanten, ni posean la tierra, ni llenen de ciudades la faz del mundo. <<<    >>Comentario: Como vemos  Halloween  La Verdadera Historia no es Eterna; pero La Historia de Jesucristo sí es Eterna.<<

Isaias Capitulo 14:15-21. 

THE END OF HELLOWEEN ( a true story )

Reading the Bible in recent days I've discovered that the dead costumes come from beyond the grave , as well as demonstrations of the dead after death living in the City of Mexico , otherworldly movies living dead , television series (the living death ) , killed after death of Michel Jackson and the pagan tradition of Halloween are a living reality of the END of Satan and his followers in the days of the future. They were originated in the days of future past of the Bible . (Word of God).

I saw that the true history of Halloween is here and it also has a FINAL ETERNAL .

I invite you to read together in " Isaiah chapter 14:15-21 " this brief history :

_ But you are brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit . Bow down to you who see you , I contemplate , saying, Is this the man that towards the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made ​​the world like a desert and overthrew its cities, who never opened their prisoners jail? All the kings of the nations , all of them, lie in glory, every one in his place ; >>> but your art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch , clothed with the slain by the sword , that go down to the bottom of the grave, as the body died trodden . Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people . It will not be named for ever the offspring of evildoers. Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers do not rise, nor possess the land , nor fill the face of the world cities . <<< >> Comment: As we see The True Story Halloween is not eternal , but The Story of Jesus itself is eternal . <<

Isaiah Chapter 14:15-21 .


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sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

LAS 24 MAS PEQUEÑAS COSAS - Que todo Joven debe de Saber Antes de Morir -

The Smaller 24 Things Every Young Must Know Before They Die
Christian Soccer Girl sitting in the public park 
reading the Bible, thinking and wachting the days of future past. 
Photo by Ruben Reyes

El mejor amigo……….................................................................Jesucristo.
El obstáculo más grande..............................................................El miedo.
El día más bello…....................................................................................Hoy.
El mayor error.................................................................Darte por vencido.
El mayor defecto…….................................................................El egoísmo.
La mejor distracción…..................................................................El trabajo.
La peor bancarrota.................................................................. El desanimo.
Los mejores maestros..................................................................Los niños.
El sentimiento más vil..................................................................La envidia.
El regalo más hermoso.................................................................El perdón.
El mayor conocimiento...........................................................................Dios.
Lo más maravilloso del mundo.......................................................El amor.
La felicidad más grande…..................................................................La paz.
La mejor ayuda en todo momento…..............................................La Biblia.
El mejor confidente…….....................................................El Espíritu Santo.
El mejor Padre….....................................................................................Dios.
El mayor crecimiento....................................Llegar a la estatura de Cristo.
La equivocación más grande…..............No reconocer al  Dios verdadero.
La declaración más absurda…..................................... Que Dios no existe.
La Mayor corrupción……...................................................El amor al dinero.
El pensamiento más inútil.......................................Pensar en no perdonar.
La mejor satisfacción...................................................La tarea ya realizada.
Una de las más gratas alegrías.........................................Dar al necesitado.
La última distinción que te conozcan como .................. Un buen cristiano.

Christian Soccer Girl sitting in the public park 
with The Bible, thinking and watching the days of future past.  
Photo by Ruben Reyes

The Smaller 24 Things Every Young
Must Know Before They Die ...

The Best friend.......................................................................Jesus Christ.
The biggest obstacle ...........................................................................Fear.
 The most beautiful day.................................................................... today.
The biggest mistake ...................................................................... give up.
The biggest flaw ...................................................................... Selfishness.
Best Work ................................................................................... distraction.
The worst bankrupt .................................................  The discouragement.
The best teachers ......................................................................... Children.
The vilest feeling .................................................................................. Envy.
The most beautiful gift ............................................................ Forgiveness.
Greater knowledge ............................................................................... God.
The most wonderful thing in the world ............................................. Love.
The greatest happiness .................................................................... Peace.
The best help at all times ............................................................The  Bible.
The best confidant ............................................................ The Holy Spirit.
The best Father .....................................................................................God.
The greatest growth ..................................... Reach the stature of Christ.
The biggest mistake ..................................... not recognize the true God.
The most absurd statement ....................................... God does not exist.
Major corruption .......................................................... The love of money.
The most useless thought ....................................... Think unforgiveness.
The best satisfaction ..............................The task already accomplished.
One of the most pleasant joys ...................................... Give to the needy.
The ultimate distinction that they might know as ........ A good Christian.

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martes, 17 de agosto de 2010


Join young in your youth, and take pleasure your heart in the days of your adolescence; and walks in the   ways of your heart and in the view of your eyes; but know, which of all these things you tried God. Removes, therefore your anger, heart and departs from your meat evil; because adolescence and youth are vanity. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth before you come the bad days, and reach the years which tell: I have no satisfaction; also runs youth passions, and follows the justice, faith; love and peace, with clean heart invoked the Lord. Because God children given spirit of cowardice, but of power, of love and their own domain. And THE WORD IS…
Bible Principle: Follows the justice, faith; love and peace, with clean heart.
Command: Remember your Creator in the days of your youth before you come the bad days.
Promise: Power, of love and my own domain.

Alégrate, joven en tu juventud, y tome placer tu Corazón en los días de tu adolescencia; y anda en los caminos de tu Corazón y en la vista de tus ojos; pero sabe, que sobre todas estas cosas te juzgará Dios. Quita, pues, de tu corazón el enojo, y aparta de tu carne el mal; porque la adolescencia y la juventud son vanidad. Acuérdate de tu creador en los días de tu juventud antes de que vengan los días malos, y lleguen los años de los cuales digas: No tengo en ellos contentamiento; huye también de las pasiones juveniles, y sigue la justicia, la fe, el amor y la paz, con los de corazón limpio invocan al Señor. Porque no nos ha dado Dios espíritu de cobardía, sino de poder, de amor y de dominio propio.
Principio Bíblico: Sigue la justicia, la fe, el amor, y la paz.
Mandamiento: Acuérdate de tu Creador
Promesa: Porque no nos ha dado Dios espíritu de cobardía, sino de poder, de amor y de dominio 

About: Ruben Reyes

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domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010


 "And shall be run to him all the Nations... But the who’s waiting for God will have new forces lifted wings as Eagles will be borne by and not tired; walk and not get tired; you would run well who desires hindrance?; Wherefore, we also taking all-around our large number of witnesses, take off of us all weight and sin which lays siege to us, and run with patience the race we have ahead._"



and don't look back !!
Jóvenes, Niños y La gente con:     

Y correrán a El todas las naciones… Pero los que esperan a Dios tendrán nuevas fuerzas; Levantarán alas como las águilas correrán y no se cansarán; caminarán y no se fatigarán; Vosotros corrías bien ¿Quién os estorbó?  Por tanto, nosotros también, teniendo en derredor nuestro tan grande numero de testigos, despojémonos de todo peso y del pecado que nos asedia, y corramos con paciencia la carrera que tenemos por delante.


About: Ruben Reyes

domingo, 18 de julio de 2010


By Ruben Reyes

City of Juarez murders

journalistic track...

June: 152 Homicides, July: 212 Homicides, August: 130 Homicides, September: 140 Homicides,  October: 25 Homicides. Until October 2nd,  2011.

City of Juarez murders...
Journalistic track:  This weekend:  from 30th of September to October 2,  2011:  24 Homicides.

January: 216 Homicides,  February: 216 Homicides,  March 180 Homicides,  April: 170 Homicides,  May: 142 Homicides,  2011.

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sábado, 17 de julio de 2010

Newsworthy event Exploding car bomb in Cd. Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico...

Exploding car bomb in Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua 4 dead and 11 wounded... A car bomb against a police caravan attack left four dead and 11 wounded in the first attack of this kind in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico with the United States, where operating posters of drug trafficking, border announced this Friday a military commander. 10 Kilos of a known as C4 explosive presumably activated with a cell phone, were used in the attack, the night of Thursday, informed the Commander of the fifth military zone, Eduardo Zarate. "We found 10 kilos of an explosive known as C4 as well as remains of cellular equipment waste," noted Zarate to journalists. The officer also informed that the dead in the attack were four: two policemen, a lifeguard, and a doctor. He added that according to the official balance registered 11 wounded, among them seven uniformed and a cameraman from a local television channel. It is the first explosion of a coche-bomba registers in this city of 1.3 million, El Paso (Texas) American, which turned into the most violent of Mexico by the crimes that leave a dispute between drug cartels Juárez and Sinaloa. The three trucks that policemen are mobilising through a central Avenue caught fire after a first explosion that also caused damage to nearby buildings. When a group of rescue workers and journalists attended the place was a new detonation, as told AFP correspondent. Initially the local authorities had attributed to grenade explosions. According to the Secretariat of security of Ciudad Juárez attack occurred as reaction "to the capture of Jesus Armando Acosta an important head gang 'The line', considered the strong arm of the cartel of Juárez, who was arrested on Thursday morning." Acosta participated in "at least 25 runs against members of the Sinaloa cartel", said the communiqué. This is the first attack of this kind in Ciudad Juarez, considered the most violent town of Mexico, where reported more than 1,500 homicides in the year. Most of these crimes are attributed to the bloody fight fighting for control of this square cartels Juárez and Sinaloa, led by Joaquín "Chapo" Guzmán, the trafficker most wanted by us. At least 7.048 people have been killed this year in Mexico, drug-related crimes which 24.826 raises the accumulated since December 2006 when he took up President Felipe Calderón, according to the Office. Calderón, arriving to power, launched what he called a "war" against the drug cartels, and ordered 50,000 more violent areas especially in six States bordering US military deployment. / Video from the time of the explosion the Canal 5 from Ciudad Juárez broadcast images of the moment that broke out a car bomb in that city, which are already circulating on the internet. According to the federal SSP, the attack occurred at 20: 00 (local time) yesterday and he killed three people, a federal agent, one municipal and a rescatista, who attended an emergency in the same area. At night, La Linea won the attack by a narcopinta performed a few miles from the scene of the explosion. According to military commanders, an anonymous call warned that there was a policeman killed in a car parked at the junction of Bolivia streets and 16 September, colony Ex Hippodrome of Ciudad Juárez. Car bomb in Ciudad Juárez was activated to distance the army survey revealed that 10 pounds of explosive and remains of a cell phone waste found. The Commander of the fifth zone military, Eduardo Zarate, reported that they have some results of the survey carried out at the coche-bomba that erupted yesterday in an avenue of this border, killing three agents. Last night a car exploded on September 16 Avenue and Bolivia St.

146 Homicides July 1-17, 2010 305 murders June 2010 247 murders may 2010 188 murders April 2010 253 murders March 2010 127 murders February 2010 265 murders January 2010 1531 murders in 2010 2601 murders in 2009 1607 murders in 2008 301 murders in 2007. (Update on 17/07/2010).   SEE MORE...     

About: Ruben Reyes      

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

QUIEN SOY YO - Dramas Cristianos para Jóvenes e Iglesias - Música Cristiana para Jóvenes.

El tema del Servicio Juvenil fue: "Bienvenidos a la Casa del Alfarero" enfocado en Jeremias 18:2. "Levantate, y desciende a casa del alfarero, y alli te hare oir mis palabras". Palabras de Eunice Aviña lider de Jovenes de La Iglesia hispanica: Congregacion Amor de Dios en El Paso Texas. Phone: 915 532-2311.

Palabras de Eunice Aviña Lider de Jovenes:

Primeramente le doy gracias a Dios  y todos los hermanos que colaboraron para el servicio de los jóvenes. Muchas gracias a nuestros Pastores nuevamente, por todo su apoyo Dios los bendiga grandemente El Señor me ha dado una visión para los jóvenes. Me ha dado sabiduría por medio del Espíritu Santo para llegar al corazón de los jóvenes. Mi deseo es que los jóvenes crezcan espiritualmente y que puedan comprender y oír el llamado del Señor, Le doy gracias ha Dios por su amor y su misericordia y al espíritu santo que se esta derramando en los jóvenes La presentación de luces fue algo que el señor puso en el corazón de Michelle Salvador. Después de compartir-lo con los jóvenes inmediatamente los jóvenes se gozaron y con entusiasmo lo hicieron dando lo mejor para el Señor. Los jóvenes se esforzaron, hubo mucha práctica, cooperación y unidad. Los jóvenes también tuvieron la oportunidad! de envolver a los adolescentes que sabemos en poco tiempo van hacer parte de los jóvenes. La presentación de las luces fue un mensaje que los jóvenes transmitieron para los jóvenes que nos visitaron. El mensaje del canto que se uso en la presentación fue Quien soy yo? el canto habla de quienes somos para que el Señor tenga misericordia de nosotros. No importa lo que hagamos hecho o quienes seamos. Somos como la flor que se marchita ahora vive y luego muere. Como la ola en al mar pero aun cuando le llamamos nos escucha. Y que con su amor nos  transforma y nos levanta. No se trata de quienes somos sino quien es el que nos sostiene en todo y el canto acaba diciendo tuyo soy. Fue una invitación a los jóvenes para una entrega total al Señor que estaba acompañado con el tema del alfarero. Cuando se hizo si llamado al altar los jóvenes se tomaron de las manos en un círculo clamando la victoria a Dios y la derrota del enemigo. Estamos en una visión, en un mismo espíritu y con un propósito de ganar más jóvenes para Cristo.


sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

DRAMA CRISTIANO DE NIÑOS CÓMICO - Obra de Teatro para Niños - Congregacion Amor de Dios

Children Funny Drama in Church

Iglesia Hispana Congregación Amor de Dios
Congregation love of God and his children's service. Within days the Hispanic Church (Congregación Amor de Dios in El Paso Texas). Congregation God's love in the Texas. step took a child service where the different classes teaching Sunday school took part in different ways and forms and we saw that God blessed Church to see children participate with fun games. There were prizes and competitions from the master of ceremonies Venancio Oliveros. Parents were happy to see their children with as much joy and that is motivated to continue this type of service child. That are so necessary for the growth of children. At the end of all this brother Jorge Barragán as a director of the Sunday school and in general all classes of Congregation. Barragán gave us a message based on the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3, "and I have seen that nothing there is better for people who enjoy his works, because that is their fate." "Because who will let you see what should be done after the?" talking about the importance of time our children.
Special performance: Venancio Oliveros: Director of Alabanza of Congregation Amor of Dios. Church Singer: Verenice Labrado Jorge Barragán: Director of Sunday School. Clowns: Praise Congregation love God Church. Special Guests group: The Children. Pastor Miguel Barragán.

About: Ruben Reyes

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