sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

DRAMA CRISTIANO DE NIÑOS CÓMICO - Obra de Teatro para Niños - Congregacion Amor de Dios

Children Funny Drama in Church

Iglesia Hispana Congregación Amor de Dios
Congregation love of God and his children's service. Within days the Hispanic Church (Congregación Amor de Dios in El Paso Texas). Congregation God's love in the Texas. step took a child service where the different classes teaching Sunday school took part in different ways and forms and we saw that God blessed Church to see children participate with fun games. There were prizes and competitions from the master of ceremonies Venancio Oliveros. Parents were happy to see their children with as much joy and that is motivated to continue this type of service child. That are so necessary for the growth of children. At the end of all this brother Jorge Barragán as a director of the Sunday school and in general all classes of Congregation. Barragán gave us a message based on the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3, "and I have seen that nothing there is better for people who enjoy his works, because that is their fate." "Because who will let you see what should be done after the?" talking about the importance of time our children.
Special performance: Venancio Oliveros: Director of Alabanza of Congregation Amor of Dios. Church Singer: Verenice Labrado Jorge Barragán: Director of Sunday School. Clowns: Praise Congregation love God Church. Special Guests group: The Children. Pastor Miguel Barragán.

About: Ruben Reyes

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